Anaganaga O Dheerudu Review
Behind the Movie Anaganaga O Dheerudu: The lethal combination of K. Raghavendra Rao and Disney raised the expectations on this flick to a new high. Attractive trailers along with Siddharth, Shruthi Hasan, Manchu Lakshmi looking at their best in fantasy look, it is Prakash Kovelamudi who ran the entire show. Let us see, how fantastic was this fantasy?
In the Movie Anaganaga O Dheerudu: Sangha Rashtra is the land in the shape of a tear drop which is under the control from the dead soul of a witch queen Irendri (Manchu Lakshmi). Agarta, a village in Sangha Rashtra is affected by the poisonous airs of Irendri and the only savior to heal the children in village is godly Moksha (Baby Harshitha) living in Pushpa Giri guarded by blind swordsman named Yodha (Siddhartha). Druki (Ramji), a villager in Agarta starts his voyage across Sangarasthra to bring Moksha from Pushpa Giri in order to save the children.

In the mean time, flash back of Irendri and Yodha is revealed and it goes like this. Irendri possessed with Sarpa Shakthi wants to achieve Maha Shakthi (Divinity) but she is killed by the good men in Sangha Rashtra which makes her dead soul to get trapped in a locket called as ‘Kalanetri’ which is wore by her great grand daughter Priya (Shruthi Hasan) who falls in love with brave Yodha. A local bandit Sudi Gundam (Ravi Babu) is also wooed by the beauty of Priya. An attack by Sudi Gundam on Yodha makes him blind and the locket in Priya’s neck falls down to free the devastating soul of Irendri who creates her own kingdom by imprisoning Priya.
As Moksha, Druki and Yodha start their journey to Agartha; the freed soul of Irendri is informed that ‘Nara Bali’ of Moksha on the day of ‘Chandra Grahanam’ will give her the power to achieve Maha Shakthi. How did Yodha save Moksha? How did he finish the evil spirit of Irendri? How did he save Priya from the custody of Irendri? form the climax.
Anaganaga O Dheerudu is a Peak in visual brilliance & Anaganaga O Dheerudu Would have been better if the Director has used the Story & Characters More Prominent way.
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